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Cloud service management

Join thousands of satisfied users of the Priza company :)

About The service management system in the cloud

The service call system (Help-Desk) in the cloud of Priza company, manages the entire service system and service calls in the organization and enables monitoring of the status of the call handling and the way it is handled while documenting the chain of reports of the progress of the handling until its closure. The system is web-based, does not require local installation and allows access to all its users from any browser. The system allows all users with the appropriate authorization to open a service call to the service provider online. The system allows control and documentation of time and resources dedicated to the performance of service tasks. The reading system integrates knowledge base management and task management for each reading.

the service in the cloud essential features

There are many reasons why to choose Priza's cloud service management system, below are the main features:

Total management of all community residents

Documentation of all interactions with the residents on the resident card

Sending emails and SMS messages to residents at the click of a button

The system is available and optimized for mobile use

Resident card management on all levels

Managing and summarizing meetings and discussions

Pop-up reminders

Smart and fast search engine

Associating residents to parent homes

Contact the residents by email, SMS and WhatsApp directly from the system

Receiving, documenting and managing resident and parental home inquiries

A cloud system accessible from anywhere and at any time

Tracking the resident's location during an emergency

Sending sweeping WhatsApp messages to residents

Different permission levels for different users according to their role

Documentation and management of financial assistance during emergencies